creating Hindi pdf file without errors
Recently I downloaded a Hindi pdf file from a government office website. It was fine till I downloaded and saved it, but when I opened this file in my system then not a single word was readable in that file. I have almost all Hindi fonts installed in my system. So I thought the file was corrupted. But soon I realised that the most of Hindi pdf files on that site was having the same issue. So there was optional download links for many of those files who shows text correctly.

There are three simple reasons behind showing garbage in Hindi pdf files.
1) Your are missing Hindi unicode font in your system
2) File was not created properly (wrong use of fonts etc.)
3) Both of above

If you are facing the same problem or see your Hindi pdf file like under when you create a Hindi pdf file this tutorial is for you. When a system is missing Devanagari Unicode font then it will Devanagari fonts like this
Boxes instead letters of Hindi Devanagari

Preview of Devanagari font in your system.

यह एक देवनागरी यूनिकोड से लिखी हुई पन्क्ति है।

If your need change your default Devanagari font in system go here.

You can follow the below steps to create a proper Hindi pdf file on your computer easily.

Creating a correct Hindi pdf file:

You can create .txt and .doc Hindi files in to pdf file correctly.
A Notepad document and a Microsoft word document can be easily converted into pdf files. The tutorial show word to pdf conversion, because image files are not supported by notepad. So when you need only text to pdf conversion then you can use notepad for creating your source Hindi file. And when file features exceeds from texts like images and graphics then you can't use notepad.

Step I

Ready your system
You should have a Hindi Unicode font installed in your system. If your system missing Hindi Unicode font then you can download it from below links -
Download these fonts and install in your system.

Step II

Creating source file for pdf file -
Here we convert a Hindi microsoft word document into a Hindi pdf file.
Crate a Hindi file in microsoft word using Hindi unicode fonts. Complete file with all needed features needed in it and save it.
Lets we have created अमेरिका के बहनो और भाइयो word file which contain a picture and all texts in Hindi unicode font only. And we want this file in pdf format.

prepare a microsoft word document in Hindi Uicode font to create pdf

Step III

PDF Conversion -
First of all we need a word to pdf converter software. Here I'm using Nitro PDF Reader.
Open nitro pdf reader.
Now simply drag saved Hindi word file into nitro pdf reader.
Like I am dragging above word file in to pdf reader.

creating a hindi pdf file using nitro pdf 

Now Nitro pdf reader will automatically do conversion of file.

hindi pdf conversion in progress

Save PDF file -

Pdf reader will show you the converted file.

Hindi pdf file ready in nitro pdf reader

Go to to save option in Nitro pdf reader and save your file in your system.

saving Hindi pdf file

Go to your saved pdf file location, Open your file. Now you will see correct Hindi fonts and properly placed.

Hope you find this tutorial helpful, if still there is any problem related to Hindi pdf file conversion mention it in comments.

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