
 Markup tags tell the web browser____

  1. How to organize the page
  2. How to display the page
  3. How to display message box on page
  4. None of these

Markup tags tell the web browser how to display and structure the content of a web page. These tags are an essential component of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and play a pivotal role in defining the layout, formatting, and organization of web documents. Markup tags, also known as HTML elements, act as instructions to the web browser, guiding it on how to render the content for the viewer.

Each markup tag is enclosed within angle brackets (< >) and typically comes in pairs: an opening tag and a closing tag. The opening tag specifies the beginning of an element, while the closing tag indicates its end. The content that falls between these tags is affected by the properties and attributes defined within them.

Markup tags can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Text Formatting: Tags like <b> for bold text, <i> for italics, and <u> for underline are used to emphasize or style text.
  • Headings: HTML provides six levels of headings, from <h1> (the highest level) to <h6> (the lowest level), which structure the document and provide hierarchy.
  • Lists: Lists can be created with <ul> (unordered or bulleted lists) and <ol> (ordered or numbered lists) tags, along with <li> tags for list items.
  • Links: Hyperlinks are generated with the <a> tag, which includes attributes like href to specify the destination URL.
  • Images: Images are displayed using the <img> tag with attributes such as src for the image source and alt for alternative text.
  • Tables: Tables are structured with <table>, <tr> for table rows, <td> for table data cells, and <th> for table headers.
  • Forms: User input forms are constructed using <form> tags and elements like <input>, <textarea>, and <button>.
  • Divisions: <div> tags are used to group and style content within a web page, often aided by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

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